Whirling into February

Tomorrow night I'll be reading at the February installment of Castalia, the reading series here at the UW MFA program. The headliner is Heather McHugh, and it will be grand!And then I'm flying off to the massive AWP in DC, to mill about 6,600+ other writers and attend readings and panels galore. The first time I attended AWP was when it was in NYC, so I often scuttled home without a whole lot of hobnobbing. But, I did end up leaving determined to apply to MFA programs and focus on my writing; not long after that, M. and I found ourselves moving cross-country to Seattle. This time, I expect more hobnobbing and less lollygagging, and maybe a better understanding of how I might push my novel out into the world, when the time is right. Probably, less monumental, life-changing decisions will be made, but who's to say?