Overheard in the Ladies Room at Pacific Place

Over the holidays, while waiting for the restroom, I overheard this exchange and have been so enraptured by it (read to the end to feel the rapture) that I'm convinced at least one person, if not multiple, could write a short story, if not a novel, from this tender seedling. Please do share if you do!--"Mommy, it's not coming out.""Well," says the mother, from a neighboring stall, "you don't want to eat your fruits and veggies. That's what happens when you don't eat your fruits and veggies." Time passes. "Are you ready? Do you want my help?""Ok."The mother flushes, exits her stall. "Get out," she says, "so I can come in." A big brother, about seven or eight but large for his age, comes out, smirking. A gold earring, maybe it's a stick-on, gleams in one of his lobes. The mother enters the stall. Clucks her tongue. "Why isn't there a toilet seat cover?" She sighs, loudly."Mommy," the big brother says, face near the closing door, eyes half-closed and dreamy, "I love you."--If you liked that, here's another inter-generational overheard, in Florence: http://ancawrites.com/2006/03/30/bargello/