"Don't Worry" in Moss

ugo-rondinone My story "Don't Worry" is out in Moss, Issue 6.  Here's how it begins:

Johnny’s teaching math in the fall and we’re on our honeymoon. Venice, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam. A whole month. Sexy sexy cities for sexy sexy times. I planned most of it. He got Amsterdam.continue reading

I wrote the story on the way home from my trip to the Netherlands this May, after overhearing a tourist at Anne Frank House say of the diary, "it's just paper." It's (unfortunately) been feeling pretty timely this past week. The trip was made possible by the Artist Trust / Gar LaSalle Storyteller Award, which brought me there to research my third novel. I'm forever grateful for that opportunity.The story will be available in print later this year in Volume 2. If you'd like to hold the story in your hands and support a great journal, you can subscribe here!