Posts tagged Bradford Loomis
"Come Dance with Me," a song inspired by "More Like Home Than Home"

A while back, I shared a YouTube video of Bradford Loomis performing his song "Come Dance with Me," which was inspired by my short story "More Like Home Than Home". This August, he released a new album with Beth Whitney, Banner Days, which features a gorgeous recording of the song. Check out the song and the whole album--they are so, so talented. You can read "More Like Home Than Home" in the Emerald issue of Fairy Tale Review.

Bradford Loomis lullaby inspired by "More Like Home Than Home"

For the APRIL festival, The Furnace teamed up with the Bushwick Book Club Seattle, asking three musicians to create original music inspired by the three pieces presented by the series so far. Bradford Loomis wrote "Come Dance With Me," an enchanting lullaby inspired by my story "More Like Home Than Home" and full of so much tender longing and hope.