Posts tagged Kandinsky
"How to Finish a Novel in Only 15 Years" in The Nervous Breakdown

Wassily Kandinski [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsI am pleased with how fitting it is to have an essay called "How to Finish a Novel in Only 15 Years" in The Nervous Breakdown today. Here's how it begins:

1.  Choose a horrific moment in history you know little about, in a country, Argentina, you know little about, but which seems to have troubling similarities to the here and now. Research for years. Images from the Dirty War sear into your mind.continue reading

In other news, I made a handy-dandy card with all of my upcoming out-of-Seattle readings (as always everything is on my appearances page).Anca L. Szilágyi on Tour for Daughters of the AirHuzzah!

Writing with Abstract Art

My latest blog post for Ploughshares offers writing prompts inspired by abstract art, with wisdom from Jeanette Winterson, and features a fantastic, electric illustration courtesy of Amy Frierson.Back when I was slogging through the first draft of my first novel, I looked to visual art every morning as a prompt. I had a big stack of Dover art stickers that I would randomly choose from, and stick in my journal, and over time, I found that Kandinsky helped me write my protagonist. I have no idea why. But when you're focusing on just getting words on the page, you do whatever works, right? Now I'm working on a couple projects dealing with art more deliberately, one of which I've written a bit about in these posts; the other is a bit too embryonic, but I'm excited about it and look forward to telling you more here when the time is right.