Posts tagged cabbage
"Home Is Where the Pickled Cabbage Is: Searching Seattle for Authentic Romanian Food" in The Stranger

FullSizeRenderMy third piece for The Stranger takes me to Belltown's Sarajevo Lounge, Bitter Lake's European Foods, and Renton's Sunset Bistro in search of Romanian food. It's just a four-hour walk to Renton along Lake Washington, so one of these Saturdays I'm going to lace up my sneakers and return to Sunset Bistro ready to feast. You can read the article here.

Jack Straw Podcast: Excerpt from Paralegal and interview with Kevin Craft

Jack Straw logoThe podcast from my 2015 Jack Straw fellowship is now up on their blog. Curator Kevin Craft spoke with me about my novel-in-progress PARALEGAL and the creative process. Then I read an excerpt, featuring, among other things, cabbage and spite. (Per Levi Fuller's recommendation, I might retitle it CABBAGE AND SPITE.)Here's how the podcast begins:

Sometimes she wondered if part of her motivation to pursue art was simply spite.

ListenYou can pick up an anthology with this excerpt and those of all the 2015 fellows here. Many thanks to Kevin Craft, Levi Fuller, Joan Rabinowitz, and everyone at Jack Straw Cultural Center!