Posts tagged collaborative art project
The Furnace & More Like Home Than Home &

Kicking off The Furnace Reading Series last week was wonderful. The space was cozy and the crowd friendly, and I'm looking forward to coming back in October to help out with Buffy Aakaash's radio play, "The Last Night at Manuela's". In the meantime, check out audio and video from my reading on Seattle poet Greg Bem's website , a very lovely review of the event over at City Arts, and Morgan's Martini Hour, the gracious on-air host of The Furnace.In other collaborative-art-project news, I'm participating in Art & Words, a show curated by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam down in Fort Worth, Texas on October 6. Eleven writers and eleven visual artists are exchanging work and creating forty-four collaborative pieces. I'm excited about the new piece I wrote for it, and I can't wait to see what gets created based on my short-short "A Meal". Bonnie's got a Kickstarter going to help make the event extra special. Prizes include discounted art, a commissioned jazz composition, or haikus, dactyls, limericks, or pieces of flash fiction written just for you!