Posts tagged family stories
A bit of comfort: all issues of Fairy Tale Review free for the foreseeable future

Here is a source of comfort in difficult times: all issues of Fairy Tale Review are free for the foreseeable future. Kate Berheimer wrote on Twitter:

This doesn't put a dent in the painful news today, but maybe it will help some people through the difficult hours. I've always found that being in the company of a good fairy tale helps me do a little bit better, be a little bit kinder. It's why I founded this journal in 2005. xo


I wrote "More Like Home Than Home," the title story of my story collection, as an antidote to the darkness of Daughters of the Air. It was meant to comfort me, and I hope you find comfort in it too. It appeared in the Wizard of Oz-themed Emerald Issue. Now free and online, thanks to Fairy Tale Review , JSTOR, and Wayne State University Press.

The opening of "More Like Home Than Home" -- read the rest here.

"Threads of Memory" in Jewish in Seattle

I wrangled some complicated family history into "Threads of Memory," a short personal essay for the February/March issue of Jewish in Seattle. The opportunity to write about my family's immigration story and relationship with Judaism brought up a lot more material than a single piece can contain, so stay tuned for more!Here's how the piece begins:

Family lore says my great-grandmother Margaret — we called her Mami — survived the Holocaust by hiding under a pile of bodies. She was not known for her pleasant demeanor but for her steeliness. continue reading