Posts tagged video

gowanus.jpgDaughters of the Air releases in seven weeks! Here is a 60-second atmospheric taste in the form of a book trailer. If you enjoy it, perhaps you'll pre-order and/or share the video?In other news, this Thursday is the Seattle Lit Crawl! I'm reading at Barça at 7 pm with my fellow Made at Hugo House alums Ross McKeekin, Laura Da', and Quenton Baker. The wonderful Christine Texeira will host. Hope to see you there or elsewhere on the crawl, or at the after party!

Video and photos from Pay Dirt, a literary evening on art, money, and desire
Many thanks to Samudre Media for documenting Pay Dirt, the event culminating a year + of work on my novel PARALEGAL, thanks to an Art Project grant from 4Culture and a Jack Straw Fellowship. The Samudres do beautiful work in the Seattle arts community.
Made at Hugo House Fellowship Reading - Video

In case you couldn't make it or wanted to watch again, here's the video from my final Made at Hugo House reading. I read half of my story "Healers," which I workshopped at the Tin House Writers' Workshop this summer and which may be the final story in my collection MORE LIKE HOME THAN HOME. Many thanks to Samudre Media for recording![youtube=]