"Vision Loss and the Ekphrastic Novelist: Revising My Identity as a Writer" in Poets & Writers Magazine

My blue eye superimposed with signed bookplates

My dilated eye after an eye check up in 2019, superimposed with a picture of signed book plates.

I am honored to have a personal essay online in Poets & Writers Magazine today, in conjunction with the launch of Dreams Under Glass. Here’s how “Vision Loss and the Ekphrastic Novelist” begins:

“I am a visual writer,” I had have often thought, before glitches and blobs and little flickering spots invaded my field of vision, before I came have come to doubt what flits in my periphery. I mean, I still do think of myself this way. I haven’t lost my eyesight, yet. And, I have my memory. But faced with two separate causes of potential vision loss, I must reconsider this identity, which has been integral to my mode of creating.

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