Posts tagged alison bechdel
Women in Translation Bingo

The Seattle Public Library and Seattle Arts & Lectures launched Summer Book Bingo in Seattle this month. I got all excited, printing out my card and jotting a book in each category I want to read, for example:Checked out from the library: The Woman Upstairs by Claire MessudCollection of short stories: The UnAmericans by Molly AntopolBanned: Fun Home by Alison BechdelThere are 24 categories in all. Librarians are on hand to make recommendations. Thanks to them, I've added V is for Vendetta and Eleanor and Park to my reading list!Because of my already ambitious reading plans for the summer, including Women in Translation Month, I'm not aiming for a blackout, just BINGO. But it occurred to me. Book Bingo is endlessly adaptable. What about Women in Translation Bingo? Each category satisfied by a book in translation, by a woman.I made my own card, based on SPL & SAL's card, simply swapping out Set in the NW, Translated from another language, and local author for Author 10+ years older than you, From a culture you want to know more about, and International bestseller. Then I really nerded out, thinking about Linguistic Diversity Bingo, based on language families. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. One Book Bingo at a time.If you're planning to participate in Women in Translation Month (I hope you are!) this would be a fun way to do it.What books are you reading this summer?BINGO!